Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Plans for Hara

Hara Ki is our two and a half year old that we use for breeding. She will be bred in August 2009 to Yoltar von den Ganswiesen (Austria). We anticipate her puppies to be born in October ready to go to a forever family in late December 2009.


Hara Ki- Hara is our newest member of the family. She is just over two years old (born: 05/22/2007) and has learned the ropes quickly from Gemma. Hara is active and always busy. She loves to investigate everything! She is a problem solver and really enjoys toys and activities where she needs to figure things out. She has been in obedience class and is currently running agility courses with a well-experienced instructor. She is lightning fast! Even as a puppy in obedience class, she would run around the other puppies trying to herd them all together during class “free time”. What a worker! Hara is alert and guarded with new people. She likes to circle them and observe their interaction with the family before she allows her guard down. After she feels that the family is responsive to the visitor, she will display her playful yet sensitive side.

Our oldest girl, Gemma

Gemma Luna- We waited for Gemma for over a year. She just had her tenth birthday (born: 06/13/99) but still plays like she’s two years old! Gemma is good-natured and is a lover. She remembers friends and family that may visit infrequently and gives them love and attention as if they were to visit on a daily basis. She is excellent with children and has provided excellent leadership to our second Entle, teaching her boundaries and good manners. Gemma has an innate sense when people need her energy. She laid right by our side after various surgeries, is able to locate a wound or cut and lick it (even when she was not there when the injury occurred). She knows. She always knows…. If someone is in pain or not feeling up to par, Gemma is always right there to lay by you, sit on your feet or be just close enough that you can “feel her” there. Gemma has awesome insight, intuition and is a big ball of love.