Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The puppies ate something new!

The puppies are three and 1/2 weeks old now and they are eating the next step in their feeding development. The were able to try what is called puppy glob/pablum.... It is basically a combination of things that ends up looking like a milkshake consistency. They LOVE it! All are taking to it very well and are excited everytime they have a "shake" feeding. Should be able to post some new pictures soon of the exciting adventures...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The puppies are two weeks old today!

The puppies are two weeks old today! On Monday, about half of the puppies opened their eyes. The rest opened their eyes on Tuesday and Wednesday. Last night, we celebrated as everyone had their eyes open at one time. Developmentally, the puppies are right where they should be. It is amazing how fast they are growing... As of last night at 11 p.m. the smallest was 27 ounces (female) and the largest is 44 ounces (male). That is almost a pound difference but both are still within the expectation for where their weight should be. Hara Ki (Mom) continues to do very well with her responsibilities. The puppies nails will be cut for the first time this weekend... more updates soon. See photo updates... we took a few pictures of a couple puppies all "festive" for the holidays...FUN!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's our tenth day old today!

All of the puppies are doing very well.... The boys appear to be putting on weight at a faster rate so far. We keep looking for the first one who will open their eyes as it is typically between days 10-14! We will keep you posted...

Monday, December 7, 2009

The puppies are FIVE days old now...

Today is Monday and the puppies have had an eventful five days! The have had a trip to the vet and all checked out perfectly. All of the puppies are putting on weight and we have even had to adjust their colored neck bands as some have already shown the need to make them bigger. We have been watching them closely and Hara Ki is a SUPER Mom to them... we feel so blessed!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

All of the puppies are here!

Today was the very best day! Hara Ki gave birth to nine new Entle puppies! She had six girls and three boys.. the whole family is very excited. Hara is a super mom and the puppies are doing very well. We have added some new pictures to the slideshow so everyone can be excited with us also. We thank everyone for all of your support- Debra, Tom, Gemma, Hara Ki and the pups...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's getting really close!!

It's getting really close now... We had a great Thanksgiving- Tom stayed back with Hara Ki to watch her really closely as the due date is anytime December 01 or after!! We are so excited to bring new Entles into this world! Last week we went for our last Xray before her whelping and the Vet said she thinks "8 for sure" maybe a couple, few more... She also said that Hara looks great and healthy and is the perfect size for where she is in her pregnancy. We have the whelping room ready and now we wait for Hara... next time we post there will probably be new puppies! Exciting!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tom and Hara Arrive Home

Tom and Hara arrived home safely. They had a wonderful time with Yoltar. Soon we will know the results of the breeding. Stayed tuned.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Happy Union

Hara and Tom are on their way back from Maine after a weekend rendezvous with Yoltar and his family. As of this afternoon they were driving through Boston on their way back to Indiana. Safe travels and check back again for an update on our family!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Beautiful Drive Thru Vermont

Tom and Hara stayed the night in Albany, NY. They are enjoying a beautiful ride through Vermont. Maine is just around the corner... Until we hear more. Debra

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hara's on her way to meet Yoltar

Good news... Tom/owner/dad and Hara are on their way to Maine to meet Yoltar. Hopefully it will be love at first sight... They left this morning and were in Pennsylvania about lunchtime.
Keep checking our blog to track their safe journey to Maine and back home to Indiana... Gemma and I await their return. Debra/owner/mom

Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Plans for Hara

Hara Ki is our two and a half year old that we use for breeding. She will be bred in August 2009 to Yoltar von den Ganswiesen (Austria). We anticipate her puppies to be born in October ready to go to a forever family in late December 2009.


Hara Ki- Hara is our newest member of the family. She is just over two years old (born: 05/22/2007) and has learned the ropes quickly from Gemma. Hara is active and always busy. She loves to investigate everything! She is a problem solver and really enjoys toys and activities where she needs to figure things out. She has been in obedience class and is currently running agility courses with a well-experienced instructor. She is lightning fast! Even as a puppy in obedience class, she would run around the other puppies trying to herd them all together during class “free time”. What a worker! Hara is alert and guarded with new people. She likes to circle them and observe their interaction with the family before she allows her guard down. After she feels that the family is responsive to the visitor, she will display her playful yet sensitive side.

Our oldest girl, Gemma

Gemma Luna- We waited for Gemma for over a year. She just had her tenth birthday (born: 06/13/99) but still plays like she’s two years old! Gemma is good-natured and is a lover. She remembers friends and family that may visit infrequently and gives them love and attention as if they were to visit on a daily basis. She is excellent with children and has provided excellent leadership to our second Entle, teaching her boundaries and good manners. Gemma has an innate sense when people need her energy. She laid right by our side after various surgeries, is able to locate a wound or cut and lick it (even when she was not there when the injury occurred). She knows. She always knows…. If someone is in pain or not feeling up to par, Gemma is always right there to lay by you, sit on your feet or be just close enough that you can “feel her” there. Gemma has awesome insight, intuition and is a big ball of love.